Sunday, July 24, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 1, Chapter 3

Jewel had another job before this one, in law enforcement. But after a single night of running down criminals, she realized it was absolutely not the job for her. So the next morning, she went digging through the newspaper and saw a want ad for a paramedic. This looks like it'll be the right line of work for our orphan.

When Jewel got off of work, she invited Kennedy over and got back to the business of making him fall in love with her. I guess hanging out on the bed in her underwear works, 'cause he sure fell quickly at that point!

After working her magic, Jewel put her clothes back on and invited Kennedy to move in with her. He brought no friends with him, but he did bring a much needed 1,000 Simoleon infusion as well as a whole lot of skill points. Not quite sure how a mailman got such high aspirations, but since Kennedy wants to become Mayor of Veronaville some day, he quickly got started on a political career.

That night, Jewel popped the question (I forgot to snap a picture of her on her knee, darnit) and without a moment's hesitation, Kennedy said yes. I don't blame him, I mean, look at Jewel. She's a hottie!

"So, Kenny. Now that we're engaged and all, do you wanna, you know..." Jewel asked, waiting nervously as Kennedy turned his head away to hide a grin.

And a fun time was had by all!

Heck, even the next morning, they were still into each other. Looks like the SimController made a good match-up! Go me!

Hmm, looks like maybe TOO good a time was had! Jewel quickly starts to show and so she and Kennedy decide they better get hitched now, so Jewel's heir will be legitimate. Fortunately, Jewel's stomach is still almost flat, so she fits into the wedding dress she bought.

A few friends were invited to witness the ceremony.

And the deed is done. Paperwork signed, blood work approved. Jewel and Kennedy Strohm are well on their way to starting the legacy Jewel envisioned back when she was still a child. A family that remains connected and attached to each other.

"So, baby, now that we're hitched and got a kid on the way, don't you think we ought to get some walls around this place? I mean, exhibitionism is good and all, but I'd occassionally like to have sex without everyone watching." (Yeah, I know, this obviously was taken before Jewel got pregnant, but I liked the timing I gave this better here. So deal. :-b)

They pooled together what money they had, sold off a couple of things they could live without, and hired a contractor (okay, they hired me) to get the pair started on a real home. There's no roof yet, but hey, it's a start.

Not long after they hired the contractor come put down a foundation and some walls, Kennedy was woken in the middle of the night by a god-awful caterwauling. "What is that racket! Jewel, can't you keep it down?"

"Oh, you're having the baby now? Okay, okay. Stay calm. I didn't know what you were screaming about. Okay, just remember the lessons from our lamaze class. We didn't have a lamaze class? Oh, then go ahead and scream all you want, honey."

Without much more fuss, Jewel gives birth to their daughter, Jade Strohm. The first born child will be designated the heir to the Strohm Legacy. (Unless they are hideously ugly and the second-born child is cute. Then they may be declared incompetent to handle their own finances and their sibling will become the desginated executor of the estate.)

Kennedy comes over after all the noise is done and, well, I'm hoping he's not shouting like it looks like he is, but he does introduce himself to the heir of the Strohm Legacy. Don't you just love how Jade is looking at Jewel, wondering what the heck Kennedy is shouting for?

And we'll end the Generation 1 chapters with a shot of sweet little Jade hanging out in her crib.


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