Monday, July 25, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 2, Chapter 1

When last we saw the family, Kennedy was shouting a hello to his daughter, Jade. I guess Jewel must have had a word or two with the excitable father, because here he is waving a nice and quiet hello to Jade.

Just a cute picture of Jewel up in the middle of the night, playing with Jade.

A mom's work is never done. Here she is comforting Jade, again in the middle of the night (why is it always during the night!) when the poor dear woke up screaming. She was either hungry or she had a nightmare.

Goodness, how time flies! It's already time for Jade to turn into a toddler (thank goodness - infants are hard to care for). Jewel is anticipating that Jade will add substantially to the Strohm family Legacy.

Jade turns into an adorable toddler. (Forgot to snap a transformation picture.)

And Kennedy decided it was FINALLY time to lose that horrid mailman's baseball cap. He cleans up pretty darn well, in my opinion.

Jade's first word. That kid always has food on her mind!

And here's daddy, happy that he's taught his daughter how to walk. Just a little more training and she'll be ready for the big, bad world of childhood.

After all that hard work, Jewel gives Jade her first bath in a big person's tub. (Had to sell off a few things to afford the bloody thing, once I remembered toddlers can't get washed in the sink!)

Hmm, these nanny's aren't so bad. She's even cleaning the tub after Jade's bath.

Well, a little condescending, perhaps, but at least she's paying attention to Jade. Of course, when Jewel came home from work, the nanny didn't want to leave. Had to kick her out before she'd finally leave the lot.

Jewel received a 5,000 Simolean thank you from some sherpa she'd helped out, so the family quickly hired an interior decorator and got to work making their house feel more like a home.

Time for Jade to turn into a child. Guess Kennedy doesn't think much of the cake!

Jewel brings Jade over to her birthday cake and helps her blow out the candles, while Kennedy cheers them on.

Hah! Remembered to snap a picture of the transformation! Of course, I snapped it a bit too early, so it looks like Jade is *cough* tooting some bright colors out of her butt. Oh well. Maybe next time.

In all the excitement of taking a picture of the transformation, I forgot to take one of Jade transformed. *sigh* I swear I'll get it right yet. So, anyway, here's a picture of Jade sleeping in a big person bed for the first time at least.


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