Monday, July 25, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 2, Chapter 5

So, Jade's sibling is finally born and she has a baby brother, Quinn. Mom and dad seem quite happy for their new little one to join their family. Dad even woke up by himself and made the bed just so the room would be a little neater for little Quinn!

Hmm, guess Jewel's scolding really sunk in. Kennedy greets Quinn in a quiet and dignified manner.

:-/ Okay, forget what I said about dignified. The man's a downright loon! (Actually, I think it's really cute that he wanted to play peek-a-boo with his new son, but we won't tell him that.)

Jade didn't make it to the birth, but she showed up shortly afterwards to come green her little brother.

And get in a little play time of her own with the new tyke. He seems to enjoy playing with his sister more than his father, didja notice that?

And here's a shot of Quinn asleep in the downstairs crib.

An adorable picture of mom giving Quinn his very first bath.

Okay, these folks -really- need to find a new bakery if they dislike the cakes so much! (The nanny showed up, even though Jade was a teenager and everyone was home for the weekend and I guess she thought they needed some Jell-O or something.)

Time really does fly quite quickly around here! It's already time for Quinn to grow up into a toddler. The family gathers, along with Jade's almost-boyfriend Amar, to cheer the little fella on.

A quick toss into the air and some shiny sparklers and...

We have one adorable little boy. Looks like he might take after dad in all but skin color, if the hair he's got there holds true. Jade's hair was the same black as mom's so it'll be interesting to see what he gets when he changes to a child.

Jewel teaching Quinn to walk.

"Come on, Quinn. Say 'daddy,' I know you can do it. Come on, little one!" (Okay, after Kennedy popped up with a picture of himself THREE times in a row while trying to teach Quinn to talk, I figured he must have really wanted Q's first word to be daddy.)

Sheesh, alright already, the kid said "daddy" now give him a break. As you'll notice, mom is causing a bit of a catastrophy behind Kennedy. (Forgot to snatch any pictures while the fireman was there, but I did remember to have Kennedy tip him so he'd show up in his friends list.) What was hysterical was as soon as the fire got to a decent blaze, Jewel snatched up Quinn and went tearing out of the house. Which turned out to be a good thing, because...

When I went to go check on Jewel, she apparently was stomping on some cockroaches. In a panic myself, I double-clicked on her picture to see where she was and gasped in horror. Jewel had put Quinn down so she could stomp on the bugs, except Quinn thought the garbage from the overturned can was a great place to play!! I hadn't even noticed some horrid neighbor come kick the can over either, which is how they got bugs on their front lawn. Which, I guess gave me the excuse to tip the exterminator. Just gotta remember to transfer the friendship to someone younger so they'll have him when he's needed. Not that he was all that good looking. *sigh*

Jade gets tired of smelling poopy dipers, so she finishes up Quinn's training on the kiddy toilet. Don't you just love that expression on her face? Plastered on smile while rolling her eyes. Boy, she looks thrilled to be there.

And after all of that excitement, Kennedy thinks it's time for Quinn to go to sleep, so he tenderly tucks his young son in to the upstairs crib.

(That's it for pictures until I get a chance to play again. Hope you've enjoyed it so far!)


At 1:28 PM, Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Definitely enjoyed this first half! Now it's time to read the second half.

Your house is GREAT! Wow ... two floors and everything! :O)


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