Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 3, Chapter 6

Melisand invites Ralph over, looking for her to get her first kiss. Looks like she made a good choice, the way this boy whistles at her...

... and flirts with her ...

... and gives her back massages...

... and ... WHAT?!? He rejected her for her first kiss?? Are you serious? You stupid, foolish, pathetic little boy! You have no idea what you've thrown away. Never fear, poor Melly does get her first kiss. With Amar. She stayed friends with Ralph, but never tried to make a move on that stupid townie again, by my actions or her own. Once spurned, forever written off.

And here's Melly going out on her date. With the much smarter, and obviously more wealthy, Amar.

You know, you'd think a Romance sim wouldn't be so embarrassed when her father gooses her mother.

And here's Jade and a co-worker in their fancy shmancy chef's outfits. Unfortunately, the picture wasn't as close in as I thought it was. Jade's got this cool dragon pattern on the back of her outfit. I'll try to remember to snap a closer picture next time I play (which will be shown a few chapters from now).

And after sampling all those dishes she makes as a Celebrity Chef, Jade had to pump a little iron to get back into shape.

But daaaamn, her ride to work is SWEET!

That's right, make sure you buckle in. I've heard your driver is a speed demon.

Haven't a bloody clue what Jade is dreaming about here, but it looked cool. (It's a big star surrounded by a bunch of little stars - I'm guessing it's got something to do with reaching the top of her career track?)

And Nery finally maxes his creativity, finishing his mother-in-law's unfinished picture. Such a good son-in-law he is.

And it's time for Kennedy to join his lovely wife. He was definitely adrift once Jewel died. He wandered around the house, doing nothing except calling old friends and painting pictures.

Although all the women in the Strohm clan (even those not quite brought into it) are distraught, but Kennedy seems to be taking it all in stride.

"Kennedy, I got something stuck on my finger. What the heck is it?"
"I don't know Grim, but don't bring that thing closer to me. It looks like something died there!"

"Come, sweet Kennedy. It's time to be rejoined with your wife."
It looks like Grim is caressing Kennedy's cheek there or something.

The family gathers around Kennedy's platinum Popularity urn and mourns his passing.

Jewel and Kennedy, reunited in death. They had a wonderful life together and took their legacy from a home with their furniture on the lawn to a large family estate worth a decent sum of money. I think both of them will be looking forward to watching how the clan they founded grows. I know I will.

"So, now that you guys have all this inheritance money, do you think you can shell out some dough for Zircon to take me skiing?"

Um, Jade? Melly? Is this really how you should be mourning the passing of your father and grandfather?

Ladies? Please. Show a little decorum, will you?

Kennedy wastes no time in returning to the homestead to check out how things are going. He takes a moment to mourn himself while everyone else continues on with life.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 3, University Years

Here's Zircon at university. Er, okay, he looks like the ultimate geeky Freshman here. We'll definitely need to do something about that. But first...

Meet Jay. Our perpetual Term Paper Writer. This will be Zircon's target every semester to influence to write his term paper for him.

This is MUCH better than that geeky look. Okay, so it's kind of artsy, but Zircon doesn't seem to mind and I rather like it myself.

"So Dorm Girl, you can see I'm manly, despite what the other kids say, right? I mean, just look at me!"
"You're bothering me and I'm trying to watch TV. Go away, geek."

"Ah, my prescious blossom. Now that I'm a young adult, we can finally take our relationship to the next level. Say you will come on this fascinating journey with me and make me a happy man."
Hmm, I think maybe that artsy look is rubbing off a bit too much there...

Although it appears Arianna likes it. So I guess it'll stay.

Geeze, Zircon, you two are in public! Are you sure you should be sucking on her neck like that?

Oh, yeah, like that's so much better. *shakes her head* At least take it out of the dining room, will you?

If that's not a look that says "thank you" I don't know what is. I guess these two will be happy together.

"Oh baby, you've made me so happy!"

Um, Z? Isn't the woman supposed to leap into the man's arms?

Okhaay, looks like these two are into the whole gender revesal stuff. Whatever works for you.

"So, my precious flower, now that I'm a young adult and we're allowed to experiment, will you make a real man out of me?"

"Oh, I thought you'd never ask, Zircon!"

Uh, yeah, I think maybe we'll just leave these two alone for a while, sound good? *quietly closes the door behind her*

You've definitely earned that small grin on your face there, Z. Good job on some good WooHoo.

Going to let her wander around in her underwear now, Z, so you can make all the other boys in the dorm jealous?

"Z, baby, are you going to go bragging to all your friends here now that we've had WooHoo?"
"Of course I am. I'm a college boy and the first one in my dorm to have WooHoo!"

"Hey Dorm Girl! Did you hear I had WooHoo? And it was amazing! I can't wait to have it again!"

"Yeah, sure, I think we all heard you two last night. I don't need to hear any of the details, thanks anyway."

"Besides, a woman should keep her virtue safe and not give it away until after she's been legally married."
"I'm sorry, were you talking? I was thinking about the WooHoo I had last night..."

"*pant* Now that *pant* I've gotten Ari into *pant* my bed, I need *pant* to make sure to *pant* stay studly so none *pant* of the other college boys *pant* can turn her head. *wheeze*"

"Oh yeah, who's the man! She ain't gonna be lookin' nowhere else for her luvin'!"

Finally, Zircon gets down to the business of actual college work. Took him bloody long enough.

"Jay! Why aren't you writing my term paper? I'm doing important work here with this SSX3 game and you're going to lower my GPA!"
"I need to go to the bathroom, Zircon. I'll get back to it soon. ..... My folks are so going to kill me for failing school because I wrote someone else's term papers. If only that geek wasn't so darn influential."

And we'll end this chapter here. I doubt I'll have more of Z in college, unless Melly winds up in the same dorm. But it'll likely be after Zircon graduates and heads back home. See you there!

Strohm Family

Generation 3, Chapter 5

ACK! Zircon! What the heck happened to your face?!? You shower constantly, you've never had your cleanliness meter go more than 2/3rds of the way down. How the heck could you get such monster zits!

Oh. This may have something to do with it. They'd ordered some Chinese food in hope of finding a cute mate for a future Heir. This guy doesn't cut the cake though, so I'll have to get him moved in and back out in hopes of getting a cute delivery guy.

"Getemoffgetemoff! Make those things go away, Controller!"
I would if I could, Z. Believe me. They bother me as much as they bother you.
"I doubt it. It's not your face they're ruining! And you'd better keep Arianna away while I look like this!"

"So, sweetheart, our family is starting to make some decent money. Think we can take a trip somewhere soon?"
Well, Kennedy, one of you two will be going somewhere soon, but I don't think it's what you had in mind...

See... there's a -reason- I never let my Sims fix either the dishwasher or the trash compactor. Anything else in the house is fair game, but not those two items. It's rare I've seen someone able to fix either one without getting electrocuted.

At least Arianna and Jade seemed to get a good chuckle out of the situation. This was the first of their relationship points too. Weird women, if you ask me. (Although I usually giggle over it too, so who'm I to talk.)

Jade really is a cutie, when she keeps the pounds off. Gotta make sure to keep her fit, especially since ever since she got fat, she constantly spins up wants to either use the exercise machine, go swimming, or get fit.

Grim! No!! You're not allowed to take Jewel yet! Her life bar isn't full or anything, you line jumping idjit!

I thought I'd be all upset when my very first Sim -ever- was to die. Except the Grim Reaper showed up early. Jewel still had space left on her life bar, so I wasn't expecting him. So she died with like 50,000 aspiration points unspent AND she'd gotten fat with the meal she was just cleaning up from. So now she's a fat ghost. *sigh* Stupid early arrivals.

"Pull my finger, Jewel."
"Ew, no way. I've seen Nery pull that one."
"No, really, pull it."
"Fine, fine. We'll do this a different way."

"Here, have a drink, Jewel."
"With alcohol? Sweet! This blasted Controller of ours has kept this place dry and never bought us a bar or anything. Gimme that!"
Hey, it's not MY fault you never spun up the want to buy a bar. If you'd let me know you wanted one, I would have bought one.
"Yeah, you say that now, when it's too late for me to spin the want. Hmph. Let's blow this clam bake, Grimmy."

Kennedy was so distraught, he came running out of his shower without bothering to put his clothes on first! No wonder everyone's hiding their eyes.

Er, okay. I guess he just wanted some coffee...
"What's everyone crying about?"
We'll just let him figure it out on his own, eh?

I feel badly for Jade. Throughout her entire life, she and her mom got along famously. (Wish I could say the same about me and mine!) If I'd had a way of resurrecting Jewel, I might have, just to make Jade happy. But I didn't, so I didn't.

Oh, sure, NOW you mourn your wife! Well, I guess better late than never.

Jewel Strohm (Cancer), Legacy Family Founder
Platinum Fortune Sim Urn - 1 point
Lifetime Want: Chief of Staff - Achieved - Not an impossible want (only 25k points)
Spouse: Mailman - 1 point
Died with 6 Family Friends - 2 points
Family Net Worth: 145k - 2 points (rounded up)
Career Rewards: (I think they have, erm, 4 of 'em - no points until we have all 10 anyway)
3rd Generation Heir born - 3 points

Jewel's dead less than a day and already her family is thinking more about the money she left them than about her. Sheesh!

And the masterpiece portrait Jewel will never get a chance to finish. :-(

Nery was as work when Jewel died, so he promptly went off to her urn to mourn the loss of his mother-in-law. Either that, or they're tears of joy that she's no longer around to look disdainfully at him. They weren't really all that fond of each other.

"Why! Why did you have to take my mother! Who else will commiserate with me now about having to marry foolish NPC men! Curse you, Grim Reaper!"

Alas, life continues to march on. It's time for Melisand to grow up into a teenager. We invited Amar over so that Melly could get to work almost immediately on finding herself a boyfriend.

"Oh please, oh please, don't let me have my brother's nose! Please let me be hot, like my mom and grams."

Melisand, it's not very ladylike to do that in public with everyone watching. And what on earth have you been eating to make it so colorful?

Yay! Another hot Strohm lady. I might have to rethink this whole firstborn takes the heirdom... I might need to go with the oldest female gets it. Decisions, decisions.

And why is it all the females seem to enjoy rubbing themselves when they turn into teens?? Her mom did the same thing when she aged. Although since she did roll the Romance aspiration, I suppose it's not too unexpected.

"Oh, her parents invited me here for this. Maybe I'll get lucky with her. I hope I hope I hope!"
Sorry, Amar. Even if you're boyfriend material, you're not just a teen, but you're a townie. These heirs are only allowed to marry NPC's.

Melly develops a desire for horticulture.

Ah, that's much better. Low rise pants and a cute halter top.

Um, Melly? Just what is it that you're growing there??

And Zircon decides he's waited long enough. He's ready to get himself off to college so he can finally make some time with his promised bride! See you next chapter, when we visit La Fiesta Tech.