Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 3, Chapter 3

When last we left our intrepid Legacies, Nery was begging Jade to let him try for a second kid. Was he successful? Will Jade ever compliment her goofball of a husband? Will the heir grow up to look like a dork or will he be a cutie? These questions and more will be answered in this chapter, dear reader!

"Great job on the Woohoo last night, Kennedy!"
~Man, I wish I could woohoo like my father-in-law. Jade never compliments me on my woohoo. I even got her pregnant last night and still no props!~
(You can ignore the kid in the foreground with the cake - I don't care how out of order this picture is, it worked too well with the ending of the previous chapter.)

Jade whiles away her maternity leave holding impromptu concerts with her parents. Fortunately, Jewel's and Kennedy's creativity scores are almost maxxed, so the concert doesn't sound like a bunch of cats in heat.

"So, gardener chick who's name I don't remember. If you join this household, you will not have to do manual labor like gardening again. But you won't ever get to rest either until you're near ready to croak. And you'll have to make sure to pop out the kids really quickly when you first move in. You ready for that?"

"Oh! I almost forgot! We're supposed to get ghosts in this place too! Of course, I haven't seen any yet, but I'm sure I will. So, you still in?"

"You know, Mrs. Strohm, I'm thinking maybe your son would be more interested in the blonde bimbo who exposes half her clevage after all..."

Aww, even in his sleep, Nery can tell whenever Jade finally comes to bed with him. He's so smitten!

Okay... Jade at least has an excuse for getting so big. What's your excuse, you bathtub jumping freak? To work with you! *snaps her whip*

Damn, I'm good. Fit already, boyo!

And just in time to "help" your wife give birth by alternately panicking and clapping your hands!

Without much adu, Jade gives birth to our spare to the heir, Melisande. Although her first trimester of pregnancy was rough (she was sick constantly), the rest of her pregnancy was a breeze. Her needs hardly seemed to move, which was a pleasant change from her mom, who was ALWAYS hungry, exhausted or in dire need of the toilet whenever she was pregnant.

Nery greets his daughter from quite some distance away. I don't know, maybe baby girls make him nervous or something?

Kennedy has no problem coming right up and greeting his new granddaughter.

~So, mom... this strange man is related to us? Why?~

Jewel plays with little Melisande. For a Fortune sim, she spends more time than anyone else auto'ing things with Melly. She'll even wake up in the middle of the night to let Melly out of the crib if she wakes up early.

"I'm home! ..... I said, I'm home! .... I AM HOME!!"
Do you get the feeling nobody cares, Nery?

Nery entertains Melly and, as a Family sim, is easy to keep platinum, since he constantly spins up wants to play with her and talk to her and whatnot. As long as I remember to pass her off to someone else to change her diper, because he never seems to get rid of that fear until his kids turn into children.

Meanwhile, Jade goes back to working on the Neverending Novel. I swear, she's been working on this thing for YEARS! The payoff for this better be worth it. (And no, she doesn't finish it anytime in this chapter. We'll see about next chapter.)

So... Zircon managed to sneak off and transform into a teen without me looking. And then, of course, because we lost our air conditioning, my computer overheated and locked up, so I lost a bunch of stuff, including his transformation, because I didn't save. You'd think I would have learned my lesson from the previous 2 times I lost my game, but noooo, not me. *sigh* Oh well. I didn't like this outfit anyway.

This time, I paid attention and got Zircon a birthday cake before his teen birthday! Such a good SimController I am. *cough*

"Hmm, what should I wish for? Oh, I know, I'd had that freaky dream where I turned into this rather hideous teenager. I wish for that to NOT happen this time!"

We're all crossing our fingers.

Well, damn. You can't see it all that well here, but I think he turned out even uglier! (I'd heard that setting the picture size to Medium size, High quality would give me clearer pictures than the Large size, High quality setting I'd had it on. It does, but I didn't realize it would also keep me farther zoomed out than before. So I'll have to make sure to zoom in closer on my pictures now, but that won't happen until halfway through the next chapter.)

So, anyway, this simply will not do. First a trip to the wardrobe, then a trip to the mirror.

"You're kidding, right? This is not the haircut you're going to stick me with, is it? I mean, c'mon! My hair is all in my face and stuff lady!"

Here's what Zircon looks like now. If he looks like he's got a board shoved up his backside, it's because I not only read him the riot act for his attitude earlier, but I threatened to put him back the way he was before. He shaped up really quickly after that.

The family gathers around to celebrate Melisande becoming a toddler. (I'd sent Jade back to work, since her parents have 4 days off in a row between them as their days off and she needs to get cracking on becoming a Celebrity Chef so I can stop worrying about her mood.)

"And a whoopsie daisy!"

To be honest, I haven't a bloody clue why Melisande is crying here. She wasn't hungry or tired or anything. I guess she just didn't want to grow up.

But she does enjoy holding court! We'll end the chapter there, with Zircon trying to convince Melisande that toy trains are much better than silly rabbit heads. Pfft, like she'd fall for that.

(And I will thank jfed eternally for pointing out that you can skyrocket your teen and adult sims' social needs by having them play with a toddler with the rabbit head! Wow is that so much easier than cycling them through the telephone or having two of them just chitchat!)


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

I thought I had written a comment at the beginning of your blog, but it doesn't seem to be there. I'm csugrad242001 from the BBS and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your legacy! And thanks for stopping by and leaving comments on mine, too! There is a yahoo group dedicated to the Legacy Challenges if you want to join Keep up the good work!


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