Thursday, September 01, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 3, University - The Later Years

I'm not sure why the kids decided the entrance to the dorm was a good place to do this, but I just thought this was a cute shot of Zircon hanging out with some friends. Sort of the calmn before the storm, you know?

I guess Kendra doesn't think much of Jay's musical abilities. Fortunately, she doesn't have to listen to him killing a cat for too long, because...

The storm, erm, I mean Melisand, has arrived at university and Kendra gets kicked out to make room! (For some reason, my picture of her default young adult outfit didn't load in to here... it actually wasn't bad, except it was very much a jock's type outfit and didn't suit her at all.) Here she is after a quick trip to the mall for some clothes and a new hairstyle.

Melly invites Vasyl into the ponytail club.

Yuck, thought I was much closer in than this and obviously I just barely managed to snap the picture in time, but Zircon and Arianna just got engaged.

For those of you who think Meadow Thayer is the cat's meow, here's what she turns out like as an Elder. Yup, the cook in the Strohm Dorm at Academie le Tour is none other than teen hottie, Meadow Thayer. Not terribly ambitious, was she.

Don't you just love sibling love? (Actually, these two get along very well. They always have and hopefully always will.)

"What are you doing in my kitchen boy!"
"See that puddle you're standing in? That's from the sprinkler system you set off when you set the food on fire. The food you then proceeded to put out on the counter for the students to eat. If you think I'm going to touch that junk when I can make myself a delicious hamburger, you're out of your mind, lady."

And another member of the ponytail club! *cough* Another sim who's name I've plumb forgotten. Oh well. She's not all that important anyway.

Poor Meadow. She becomes the perennial victim of both Strohm children when they need a quick aspiration boost. So out of curiosity... how far down in relationship points do sims have to be before they start fighting with each other? *whistles innocently*

Here's a shot of Melisand studying hard to get her A+. What? It's not MY fault they let the students do their teachers to get better grades. And she was looking for someone to satisfy some, urm, you know... "wants."

"I can't believe you've graduated already, Z! It's going to be so lonely without you around."
Yes, a whole lot of time passed in between Melly coming to college and Z graduating. But it wasn't terribly exciting and didn't need to have pictures shared. ;-)

"Well, you'll still have your teacher around, although what you see in the old coot I'll never know. And you won't have to paint me masterpieces to sell anymore, you know, just to keep your big brother happy."
"Oh, good point. That means more time to make out with boys! And you know exactly what I see in my teacher. A perfect 4.0 grade point average. We've had this discussion before."

"I can't believe they're going to kick me out of here soon, Ari! I don't know if I'm ready for the real world yet!"
He looks almost panic-stricken. She looks suitably unimpressed. I'd suck it up and start behaving like a man, Z.

Melisand went shopping before Zircon's graduation party. She bought herself a slinky dress, some lovely jewelry and some very grown up looking make-up. You can't really see it (I wasn't able to get any of the pictures in closely enough), but her necklace and earrings are of a cat sitting upright, head turned to stare at a pearl. Very cool stuff, downloaded from The Sims Resource. Sadly, I don't have the artist's name who created them, but he/she is VERY talented in my opinion!)

Z was only allowed to invite 2 guests to his graduation party, so he invited his mom and his fiance. Smart man, not dissing the women. ;-)

You know... if there wasn't daylight visible through the glass there, I'd think Zircon was a vampire, the way he frequently sucks on Arianna's neck like that. Fortunately, she doesn't seem to mind hickies.

(Hmm, another shot is missing here too. :-( Had a shot of everyone toasting Zircon, but it's not here. *grumbles*)

Are you sure this is legal? I mean, you guys get high enough that you literally float there! (Everyone had so much fun with this that I kept it even after the party. *g*)

"So, now that you've graduated, are you ready to start that family? Your father and I aren't getting any younger (except when we take a shot of Elixir) and we want grandchildren soon. Your father wants SIX of the little rugrats even!"
"You can tell dad I'm having two. TWO children. If he wants more than that, he'll have to work on convincing Mel to have 'em."

I think Melly is supposed to be waving goodbye to her big brother, but she's a little confused on where he's at if that's the case. And I will definitely be doing something very quickly about that dorky outfit that Z's wearing now that he's an adult. *shudders* A yellow tie with a purple shirt? Geeze!

Melisand decided she wanted to keep wearing her new jewelry and make-up, even when in her everyday wear. I figure she bought it, she's entitled to it.

"Okay, wait. You want me to do what with HIM??"

"Man, the things we Romance sims will put up with for a little WooHoo. Just because I spun up the want to WooHoo with 3 sims doesn't mean you had to force this guy on me."
Well, if you'd gotten the phone number of that cute guy who keeps streaking your dorm, I would have brought him over for you. Not my fault you couldn't score his number! (She'd talked to the guy the first day he streaked, but every time after that, he'd come streaking as an invisible sim, noticable only from the pixilations. And he was no longer in her phone book, so she hadda make do with the mascot.)

By that smile on your face there, Mel, I'd say what they say about geeks and sex is true, huh?
"Go away, I'm basking in the glow here and you're ruining it."
*grumbles and stomps off* Can't even get my props when I give her a good hookup, selfish girl. *grumbles some more*

Melisand does her homework again, making sure she keeps up that 4.0 GPA.

Um, Melly? I'd lower the caffeine intake if I were you. Or don't work out as much, to lower those endorphins. Or something. You're sort of freaking me out here with that look...

Although I guess if she's going to go prancing around in her fancy gem-encrusted underwear in front of all the boys, she needs to keep her body in peak shape.
"Darn tootin! Besides, how else will they know what they're missing by deciding to live with me instead of picking another dorm so I could have WooHoo'd with them. You won't let me fool around with anyone here, since it'll apparently 'hurt their feelings,' the big wussies."

I can't remember which of her conquests she'd tempted into the changing booth while deciding if she wanted to buy new underwear or not. I think it was the mascot. Looks like the dang fool girl went and let herself fall in love though with whoever it was. I'll have to see what I can do about that.

Here's a shot of Melisand in her new outfit for her senior year. (Hmm, you know, I think I forgot to show Zircon in his senior year threads. I'll have to see if I remembered to snap a picture of him or not.) My plan is, they wear whatever suits them best for their first 3 years of college, then they wear something a little more mature looking their senior year. She still looks totally hot. I haven't decided if she's going to get married and pop out 4 kids or if she's just going to sleep with lots of guys and have 4 kids. We'll see what mood I'm in when she graduates.

And we'll end with a shot of the sim I created to be a placeholder for University. Mostly, I wanted to include her because I absolutely LOVE her outfit! Downloaded from Sim Chic. Incredible work over there and well worth joining (it's not a free site, FYI). I'm going to have to have one of my played sims wear this too.

Okay, that's it for now. Hopefully it won't be so long before I get more updates here. I just hadn't had a lot of time to play lately. :-(


At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good! I'm certainly interested in Melisand's life, and how she ends up later in life. I wonder, will she marry or procreate via affairs? I'm guessing on the affairs, but who knows! P.S. I really like the shirt she was wearing after arriving at college, a sort of bustier (spelling?) number that was very hot. I look forward to reading more!


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