Friday, August 19, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 3, Chapter 4

Nery is such a good Family sim, he enjoys taking care of his young daughter. (And I love these tender family scenes, so I had to find a way to sneak it in.)

Of course, this is one of the annoying side effects of Family sims. They are incapable of simply coming home from work. They absolutely MUST give us a rousing chorus of "The Hills Are Alive" or something. *rolls eyes*

Somehow, I completely missed Melly transitioning from a toddler to a child. Here she is in the very cool green Space Jammies. Yes, Melisand, you have all of your fingers dear.

Jewel -constantly- wants to tuck Melly in whenever she goes to sleep. She didn't do this with Zircon when he was a child. Despite this, her relationship with Melisand isn't all that great. Go figure.

Wanted to keep a picture of this painting, because I thought it was such a cool one. But Jade was getting very close to the red in her aspiration and needed to sell a masterpiece, so off it went. :-(

Jade, sweetie... you keep shoving those candies into your mouth like that and you're going to pork out.

Nevermind, too late. Well, we'll just take care of that next chapter, won't we.

Zircon reaches Overachiever status, snagging himself a nice scholarship and his father and grandfather some aspiration points.

I created the Wiseheart siblings, cute sims to pass off to any Spares to the Heir I find I enjoy playing too much to give up. ;-)

Zircon works on making sure Arianna notices him.

"Z, watch those hands! You're not allowed to touch until you go to college, bub!"
"Damn, when can I go? Can I go now? Can I? Please?"
Nope, not yet. You need to work on your skills a bit more. Stop trying to make time with your future wife and you'll get there faster.

Although I suppose one can't exactly blame the poor boy for being a bit anxious...

Jewel FINALLY manages to max out her creativity skill. Took you long enough woman!

Yeah, I know, that was a short chapter. This was mostly just filler between the last chapter and the next one, where lots of stuff happens. See you there! *wave*


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