Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 3, Chapter 2

So, after the Eternal Fire, 3 Mockingbird Lane was bulldozed and the Strohm's moved in to 10 Mockingbird Lane. Built their house smaller this time too. (And blatantly stole the idea for individual toilet stalls from Jfed142. Great idea for multiple people to go to the bathroom at the same time, but take up just a small amount of space.) Obviously this shot was taken after I found out how to do the boolprop cheat to get back my Political and Medicine career rewards.

And the outside of 10 Mockingbird Lane.

Well... apparently, I hadn't saved my game in a while when I moved the family out (without saving) and moved them into their new home. I liked their clothes better the first time they turned into elders, but the inadvertant reset on my part (I really thought I'd saved more frequently than that!) meant I was able to have Jade and Quinn start up portraits of Jewel and Kennedy while they were still Adults and not Elders. Yay for slackerness on my part!

Zircon's cake was apparently possessed or something though. I put through the command for Jade to bring him to his cake, the candles lit, but while they were heading into the kitchen, Jade put Zirzon down, he transformed into a child and the candles weren't blown out. So I had someone clean up the unused cake, but for some reason, the flames remained. It was kinda freaking me out though, so I moved their food processor there to hide the flames.

I thought I was closer in than this, but apparently not. I'll try to remember to take another picture when I play again. But Zircon turned into a cute child. Not sure I like the hairstyle though, but I haven't gotten around to changing it yet either.

"So, honey, now that we're elders, can I FINALLY have a beer?"

Jewel tucks her grandson in to bed.

These two really are so cute together. Another autonomous display of affection.

Kennedy was developing a spare tire, so he quickly took steps to remove it. Alright, I took steps to remove it. Quick nitpicking!

"Kennedy, now that you're an old geezer, are you allowed to still kiss people or will it give you a heartattack?"
Kennedy didn't dignify Regina with a response.

Nery got the Science reward (I hadn't yet found the cheat on how to restore the career rewards I lost when they had to move, so that's the only one out there when this was taken).

Kennedy spun up the want to kiss, so I figured I'd oblige.

And as I was curious to see what geezers making out looked like, manipulated them to do so. Seems Quinn isn't the least bit phased by his parents making out on the couch.

I left them alone to get Quinn and Nery breakfast and came back to find this. I hope my husband I are like this when we're old and gray too!

Poor Nery. He published some rediculous paper about llamas and alpacas and heaven only knows what else and wound up the laughing stock of the science community, so they kicked his butt to the curb. At least they gave him a slamming ride home!

Aww, buck up, Nery! You got us the Science reward before you got canned. Now you can get us something else!

Zircon rushes outside to greet Jade when she comes home. I guess he figures Nery must be too manly to want public hugs when he gets home or something. Did you SEE those pictures of your dad in the tub kid? And you think he's manly?!?

Quinn -finally- sold a masterpiece! He'd dropped down into the red and I managed to sell one masterpiece, which got him up to the green (he was waaaay down in the red). Spun up the want immediately to sell another masterpiece, but it took me FOUR BLOODY PAINTINGS before one qualified! He had 5 hours left before he became an adult and I wanted him in the platinum, darnit! Thankfully, I managed to squeek that one out.

Yeah, Quinn, we know, nobody likes the darn cakes. Not much I can do about it though. Sorry.

Well, I guess he grew into his features, but that hair has GOT to go. He looks like Fabio or something there! Wow, his bod is cut though... maybe I should find an outfit without a shirt for him.

Nah, just gonna kick him out of the house. The whole family runs over to wish Quinn luck in his new life on his own.

"So, angel, now that we've got a spare bedroom again, don't you think it's time we worked on a spare to the heir? It's been an awfuly long time since we've 'raised the flagpole'."

"I mean, you've been getting some great promotions and making lots of money. We can afford another kid and I want 6 grandchildren someday. Please? Pleeeaaaaasssseeee?"

Evil me is going to make you wait to see if they get to working on a second kid or if Jade makes Nery beg a lot more. See ya next chapter!


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