Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 3, Chapter 1

Jade and Nery are finally ready to tie the knot. Nery looks a might too pleased with himself there, doesn't he.

Jewel and Jade share a look just before the ceremony starts.
"I hope Jade winds up as lucky with her arranged marriage as I did with mine..." Jewel thinks as the music cues up.

The ceremony goes off without a hitch and Jade and Nery are ready to start the rest of their lives together.

"So... I guess we should get going with this whole continuing the family line business, eh?"
"Well, Jade, sweetie, if you insist." He's playing it so debonaire there, isn't he.

And a good time was had by all!

A very good time! Jade had a fairly easy pregnancy. She threw up just that first "day" and the rest of her first trimester she was fine. Her outfit could be better, but it could definitely be a lot worse too.

Whoah, she definitely got MUCH bigger than Jewel ever did! I wonder if she's carrying twins? That would be so cool!

Jewel is pushing to get her next promotion, so she takes a brief dip in the energizer so she can pull an all-nighter and get that last logic point.

Which turned out to be a good thing, since she was the only one there for Jade when it came time for her to give birth to Generation 3. She looks so excited for her daughter, doesn't she?

Jade gives birth to an adorable little boy and quickly hands him off to Grandma, since she had 3 needs down in the red. Jewel doesn't seem to mind at all getting a little bit of bonding time in with her grandson.

Young Zircon has his father's pretty blue eyes and red hair. His skin seems to be a little darker than his mom's but not nearly as dark as his grandfather's. And way darker than his dad's.

Isn't that sweet? Kennedy and Jewel are still very much in love, even though they're about to become old geezers.

Kennedy gets to travel in -style- to his job as Mayor of Veronaville!

Triple birthday time! Both Jewel and Kennedy are ready to become elders and Zircon is about to become a toddler. I think this was where my glitchiness starts from.

Kennedy isn't bad as an elder.

Jewel makes a good looking elder herself!

Jade comes home from work sporting her many pieces of flair. (Bonus points for those of you who know where that phrase comes from.)

The Strohm Family has accumulated enough money to redo their house. 2 stories was a bit of a pain in the butt to deal with, especially since there were always log jams at the stairs. So I redid the place as one huge one story place. Actually too big, but I figured I'd leave it for future generations to grow into. This might also have been what triggers the glitches I get, not sure.

Jade teaches her son to talk.

Well, he wasn't interested in saying "bottle" but "teddy" worked well. Jade looks like such the proud momma!

Nery does a little playing in the bathtub.

For quite a while, he plays in the tub.

Here's a close up of Zircon. I guess his skin tone is just like his mom's. (I didn't notice that Jade's was a bit darker than Jewel's before, but I guess it must be.) He's a good looking toddler. Let's hope the looks hold out through adulthood.

Nery serenades his lovely wife, pleased with the job she's done with their kid.

Yes, Nery, we get it. You have full fun points. Can you stay out of the bloody tub for more than 5 minutes? I swear, I pay a little bit of attention to anyone else in the house and this guy makes a beeline for the nearest tub!

Time for Quinn to finally become a teenager!

Hmm, not such a good look there. Looks like the puzzle pieces still aren't quite fitting right with this guy. Maybe when he's an adult. I'm awfully glad though that Jade is our heir and not Quinn!

A new asymetrical hairstyle does a little bit to help offset Quinn's awkward features.

Quinn seems quite pleased with the change, which is a good thing, 'cause I wasn't planning on giving him another haircut.

And here's where I figured out my home was really glitched. I noticed the maid had stopped coming, although carpools still did. Then the gardener stopped coming. Then Nery caught the stove on fire and, despite having a fire alarm, the fireman didn't show up. Not only that, despite taking my command to extinguish the fire, Nery spent 5 Real World minutes trying to put it out without doing anything. *sigh* Time to move the family out and start again. Which means I'm going to have to have portraits of Jewel and Kennedy as elders! Blech!


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