Monday, August 01, 2005

Strohm Family

Generation 2, Chapter 6

I would like start this chapter off with a psuedo apology to SmokerKat of the Sims 2 forums. I had only gotten to like chapter 4 of her story when I started mine and didn't realize she was using gem names for her Sims. (Although in my defense, her founder was named Lauren, Gen 2 was Amber, Gen 3 was Cole and Gen 4 was Coral. *blush* So I hadn't actually noticed any naming convention. ;-))

I would also like to apologize to you readers for foolishly using a picture of Kennedy tucking in infant Quinn after showing all that work that -toddler- Quinn had done learning how to walk and stuff. Oh well! Now, without further ado, here's the laster chapter, Chapter 6, of Generation 2.

Awww, isn't sibling love adorable? Jade enjoys cuddling with her baby brother.

Nice table manners there, Quinn. How that kid manages to shove his entire hand into his mouth to eat, I really don't want to know.

Ah yes, feeling that sibling love now, Jade? Well, what else do you expect Quinn to do with all that food he's eating?

The Strohm family children put on an impromptu concert for your enjoyment. You can't hear the music? Thank your lucky stars, because their creativity points weren't that high.

Jade is such a suck-up. Her mom wanted her to become an overachiever, so she went out and took care of that right away.

Jewel brings little Quinn to his birthday cake.

Um, Quinn, are you possessed or something? How the heck are you doing that??

Quinn as a child. Although none of his features are really bad, they don't seem to really fit together all that well though. He's like a jigsaw puzzle where you've had to force in pieces that almost fit, but don't quite. Oh well, maybe he'll grow into them.

The Strohm family has their first meal together. Everyone's being at least somewhat polite in their table manners, except dad. Nice rolemodel you're being there Kennedy!

"So, Quinn. Are you ready for school tomorrow?"
"School? Why do I have to go to school? I'm just the spare, I don't have to do anything!"

The next morning, Quinn apparently must have been REALLY hungry. He licked that plate clean and then he must have eaten it, because it disappeared from his hands right after.

Aww, Jewel and Kennedy still love each other.

Jade sneaks out with her friend Wendy over the weekend and goes to do ... well, I really don't want to know what she goes off to do. I was crossing my fingers for a successful sneak-out and got one. :-D Yay me!

The Strohms invite the headmaster over to get Quinn enrolled into private school per Jewel's wishes, so Jade puts on her best dress and wows the headmaster. (I forgot to write down the score, but Quinn made it in, so it's all good.)

Man, still using that SAME bakery folks? Come on, get with it!

Time for Jade to grow up into an adult already! But I'm too young for this! (Notice we invited Nery over to celebrate this birthday. Don't wanna waste any time getting him primed for our plans.)

"Hmm, what should I wish for. Ah, who'm I kidding. Same thing I always wish for. To be as hot as my mom when I grow up."

"Success!" Jade is a bloody CLONE of Jewel. Thank goodness they wear different outfits or I'd never be able to tell them apart.

Jade gets right on board with my agenda and she and Nery quickly develop crushes on each other.

A bit more judicious flirting and so forth and love is soon in the air.

Not one to let the grass grow under her feet, Jade immediately pops the question to Nery. His response? "Are you kidding me? Of course yes! I've just been waiting for you to get legal so I ca-- hey, what're you looking at?"
Hmm? Oh, me? Nothing, don't mind me, just go on about your business.

Jade welcomes Nery home in a manner I suspect he can become accustomed to. (Actually, he'd left her birthday party before I could ask him to move in, so I had to invite him over the next day.) Nery brought only 1,000 Simoleans and no friends. But he's got a full fun personality (which means I won't have to watch him cry when he gets pranked on) and almost full cleaning and creativity points. He's a Family Sim, which is good. Unfortunately, his lifetime aspiration is to have 6 grandchildren. Not entirely certain what I'm going to do there...

Oh. Heh, okay, finishing Generation 1 here. We can just pretend it's the same day Jade transformed into an adult so that this break makes sense, right? Right. Oh and isn't her new outfit great? I'm sure there are better shots of it in the next chapter. But as it's getting late, I'll have to do that tomorrow.


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